Tyree never knew how many shades of gray existed in a world she used to view through black and white lenses. Before, everything was clear. Right and wrong, fair and unfair, faithful versus unfaithful.
Kamaal versus Aiyden.
After Kamaal's betrayal, embarrassment, and attack, Aiyden was the easy choice because he was who her heart was safest. That was until she found out Aiyden's secret he hid from her, wiping away his innocence, and leaving her to question: who can she run to?
The tragedy that stuck Kamaal's son keeps Tyree close to her ex, forcing her to deal with feelings that she rather forget.
Being faced with tough choices, Tyree learns that some decisions aren't as clear as others when her heart and mind are tugging her in different directions. She's caught up in an emotional web, and some of the moves she makes cause her to fear that she would no longer be a choice.
Is the lesser of two evils a smart strategy when love is involved? How can she build a future when the past won't let her go?