A rags to riches story written by mother and daughter entrepreneurs, Tracey Noonan and Dani Vilagie.
"When I called my dad and asked him how to start a cake business, he said, 'sell a cake.' Best advice I ever got. Now when people ask me how to start a business, I can say, 'sell something and read A Wicked Good Idea.'
There's a million ways to become an entrepreneur and a billion mistakes to make. Tracey Noonan takes you on that journey with all its ups and downs. A Wicked Good Idea is an inspirational journey by a team who has walked the path and lived to tell the tale." Chef Duff Goldman, Owner of Charm City Cakes, http://www.charmcitycakes.com/.
"In this delightful, easy to read book, author and creator of Wicked Good Cupcakes, Tracey Noonan, confides about her roller coaster life and how she started a mega successful business with her daughter Dani. Along the way, she dishes out inspirational bits of wisdom and information. A resilient, hard working woman of integrity, she does not sugar coat entrepreneurship, but does encourage and guide the reader that may want to delve into the business world. Involvement with the Shark Tank show and a subsequent deal with Canadian businessman, Kevin O'Leary, is the highlight of the story and Noonan gives a behind the scenes look at that experience. An interesting read and very informative for an aspiring business owner." Francesca Hawkins, Co-owner Farndale Farms and Hawkins Lumber, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada.