Hope Cummings had no interest in the ordinary life of a proper English lady, no matter how much her mother wished she would.
Milling about London attending balls and visiting with high born ladies who thought more highly of themselves than they ought, held no appeal for Hope. She'd rather be sailing the majestic ocean with her father and brother or embarking on adventures. Anything other than preparing for the inevitable fate of being a wife and mother. The answer to that wish comes sooner than she expects, in a form she never saw coming.
Shaeen Almasi came to London with one thing in mind. Revenge. Only nothing goes according to plan. Wounded and trying to make his way back to his ship, he receives aid from a stunning young woman. Her reward for helping him? Becoming his prisoner. Only as time goes on she makes him want things he knows they can never have. Like forever. Being Crown Prince of Zawhar means sacrificing everything for country and duty. Even his heart.