Shadow's Reach is a psychological horror thriller that follows the Connors family as they face an ancient and relentless threat. Five years after fleeing the small town of Willow Creek, Indiana, Mark and Rachel Connors, along with their daughter Lily Walker, have tried to rebuild their lives in Bay Village, Ohio. Mark, now a professor at Baldwin Wallace University, and Rachel, struggling to find peace, hope that the shadows of their past are finally behind them. But the dark cult of Mitharas isn't done with them yet.
Rachel begins experiencing terrifying visions—shadowy figures, whispers in dark corners, and an unshakeable feeling that danger is lurking nearby. Though Mark initially dismisses her fears, he soon has his own chilling encounter that forces him to accept the growing threat. The cult, once thought to be left behind, is still watching, waiting for their chance to reclaim what they believe is theirs.
Thirteen-year-old Lily is unknowingly drawn into their dark grasp through her friendships with classmates Kelsey and Hannah, who are part of a sinister plot. As Lily begins talking about loyalty and secrets, it becomes clear to Mark and Rachel that the cult is trying to indoctrinate her through the people she trusts most.
With their marriage under strain and their fear for Lily's safety growing, Mark dives into the history of the Mitharas cult, discovering a terrifying lineage that stretches across centuries. He must find a way to break their influence before it's too late. Shadow's Reach is a chilling tale of resilience, family bonds, and the battle against unseen evils that won't rest until they get what they want.