Crystal Balls Tina Harding is a successful estate agent with ambitious plans to open a chain of Harding Homes. Whilst reluctantly accompanying her colleague, Chantelle, to a local psychic fair, Tina receives a call from her sister announcing news of her engagement. The news forces Tina to look more closely at her own relationships; or lack of. Feeling despondent and in need of a little hope she bids her farewells to Chantelle, rushing back for a secret reading and is warned that her life is about to roller coaster out of control unless she learns to make and trust her own decisions. Tina dismisses the reading as an act of foolish spontaneity, but after experiencing a series an unfortunate events Tina decides she is tired of learning by her mistakes and embarks in a plethora of other psychic readings in an attempt to provide clarity and direction and a short cut to all things good. Crystal Balls.......gaze into the unknown.
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