RISE: mini mindful morning meditations is a collection of fifty 5-minute morning meditations created by global meditation teacher, Julie Skon. Tangible for busy people, these mini meditations transform the morning from feeling stressed and disconnected, to allowing the reader to set the tone for their day ahead with mindful meditation that reduces stress, calms the mind, is healing for the body, and connects the reader deeper within and with the world around them.
In just a few minutes of mindful meditation daily, readers of RISE will create a powerful foundation of a morning meditation practice through experiencing a range of meditation styles interwoven with impactful quotes from thought-leaders around the world. The meditations of RISE include ancient and new practices, mindful breathing, self-reflection, releasing and letting go, manifestation, gratitude, abundance creation, and much more. When readers dive in they will experience the power of taking just a few moments for mindfulness daily as they create ripple effects of connection, calmness, happiness, and presence.
Author, Julie Skon is a multi-modality healing practitioner, a meditation teacher featured on Insight Timer and The Head Plan, life and trauma healing coach, a wellness brand entrepreneur and writer. Julie is wildly passionate about finding solutions in our busy lives to reduce stress, to connect us deeper within and with the world around us, to heal our minds and bodies, and to get mindfully present within the special moments of our day. RISE is Julie's personal written collection of her favorite fifty morning mini meditations.
Examples of Mini Morning Meditation Titles and Quotes included in RISE: