Set against the fast-paced, winner-take-all world of Silicon Valley, where today's software geek is tomorrow's billionaire, The Start-Upchronicles the meteoric rise of Adam and Amelia Dory, a talented brother and sister team. With only each other to rely on, the naïve eighteen-year-olds must make their way through a treacherous world of money, power, and envy.
This suspenseful and exciting episode is the second installment in an ongoing serial story.
The Start-Up Episode 3: Beautiful Code
As their industry profiles rise, Adam and Amelia Dory fly to Hawaii to keynote TechCrunch's Maui Waves of Disruption conference. Patty Hawkins also finds herself in Hawaii as the maid of honor in her sister Shandi's wedding to Chad... but Chad and Patty can't seem to get past the secret night they spent together. Both Patty and the twins quickly discover that the energy, lust and enemies of Silicon Valley follow you—no matter how far you go.